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TITLE Program Template (RevStr.asm)
; This program reverses a string.
; Last update: 1/28/02
aName BYTE "Abraham Lincoln",0
nameSize = ($ - aName) - 1
main PROC
; Push the name on the stack.
mov ecx,nameSize
mov esi,0
L1: movzx eax,aName[esi] ; get character
push eax ; push on stack
inc esi
Loop L1
; Pop the name from the stack, in reverse,
; and store in the aName array.
mov ecx,nameSize
mov esi,0
L2: pop eax ; get character
mov aName[esi],al ; store in string
inc esi
Loop L2
; Display the name.
mov edx,OFFSET aName
call Writestring
call Crlf
main ENDP
END main
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